Post AGM Talk: Alison Hulme - My Life in Stitch

Alison Hulme gave us a fascinating illustrated talk tracing her development as an artist.

Her talk began with a frank insight into her battle with alcoholism many years ago. Emerging from her rehabilitation, she plunged into the world of fabric art. She became an embroiderer, teaching herself through kits, progressing to her own designs, and then working with experienced artists

She went on to further education despite the disadvantages of dyslexia and dyspraxia, progressing through City and Guilds and a Fabric Art Degree, adding design, painting and printmaking to her skill set. Now a practising artist who travels the country sharing her skills through talks and demonstrations, she also works at the big Knitting and Stitching Shows at the NEC and Alexandra Palace.

Alison scattered amusing anecdotes through out her story, illustrating each stage with slides and examples of her work.

She finished her talk with a rapid demonstration of the techniques she will be sharing in her workshop on Saturday, 28th January.. She will be bringing along some of her vast collection of ready-made screens to show how they can be used create printed texture on paper and fabric.

This workshop is now full, but if you would like to be put on a waiting list in case someone drops out, please contact Sally.


Workshop: Monotypes with Sarah Humby and Jayne Soakell


Art Together Sessions