
Almost Easter, and our ceramics group is busily putting finishing touches to projects under the watchful eye of tutor Suzanne. Some items are swaddled in bubble wrap, to be taken away for biscuit firing in Suzanne’s kiln. Others are being decorated with oxides and glazes. None of these will be seen again until the next session in April - when they will look completely different after firing. Working in clay is always an adventure.

Some people decide to start on a new project to be worked on over the next month. Over in the corner, someone is applying a little heat with a hair dryer to a clay bowl to ready it for the next stage of construction. Others are rolling out slabs of clay, moulding shapes or adding some texture. At the end of the afternoon, these are taken home, carefully protected by layers of bubble wrap and bin liner to keep them workable. Suzanne is advising someone on a new design; helping to break down the process into manageable stages.

We still have spaces in our ceramics group - do come and join us. No equipment needed and clay is provided. Next term starts on Tuesday, 26th April. Contact Jan here if you are interested.


Demo: Gill Drew - Texture and Layers in Acrylic and Mixed Media


Workshop: Maxine Marsh - Allotment Joy