Salisbury: Sarum Lights

Those lucky enough to visit Salisbury Cathedral last week will have enjoyed a spectacular light show. Sarum Lights presented another journey through philosophy, science and art. Last year’s show had artworks by Leonardo, Raphael and other Renaissance artists, along with manuscripts by scientists and thinkers projected over the West Front, the Cloisters and the interior of the Cathedral.

This year it was the turn of the centuries from the Baroque to the Impressionists and Pre-Raphaelites. The Great Wall of the South Transept had a gallery of images depicting changes in society and philosophy in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the Trinity Chapel marked the abolition of slavery, followed by the sounds and images of the nineteenth century in the North Aisle. The whole light show finished with a dazzling gallery of artworks in the Nave.

Fabulous art drifting gently over sublime architecture. Absolutely glorious!


Summer Exhibition: Acrylics 1


Teresa Rogers Workshop: Stencil and Texture