Plein Air: St Peter and St Paul’s Church

“Treble going, treble gone!” A phrase that rang out many times during one of our more unusual plein air sessions. Of course, we were indoors, having climbed over 50 steps up the narrow spiral staircase inside the bell tower of St Peter and St Pauls Church in Ringwood. We were there at the invitation of the bell-ringing team, which was having its regular practice session. We were in the world of Grandsire Triples and Plain Bob Doubles! (It was explained to us that bell-ringing sequences were a bit like lace knitting patterns…)

After a few safety instructions, we settled down with our sketchbooks on the pews arranged around the edges of the room and tried to capture the bell-ringers in action.

The sketching was fast and furious!

Our thanks to the bell-ringers for their hospitality (and sharing their mint humbugs) - we had a lovely time.


Teresa Rogers Workshop: Stencil and Texture


Demo: Karen Welsh - Abstracting the Landscape