Workshop: Roger Dellar - Interiors in Pastel

Another excellent workshop from Roger. At his demo, he showed us how to work in pastel without underpainting. This time, he demonstrated underpainting and using a pastel primer.

He used acrylic, though he pointed out that watercolour would work as well. As before, he blocked in the major shapes, darks and lights before moving to colour. He worked around the canvas, finding lines and relationships between shapes. When he was satisfied, he used the hairdryer to speed up drying, then coated the surface with the pastel. primer. The primer became translucent as it dried.

At this point, he began applying the pastel as he had in his demo. And then it was over to us. We had all brought out own reference material and worked at our own speed, while Roger circulated, offering advice and encouragement. At the end of the session, we had all gained in confidence and understanding.


Demo: Teresa Rogers -Stencils and Texture


Member News: Publication in Leisure Painter