Ringwood Art Society AGM 2023

Our AGM was well-attended. Jen gave a report on the year’s events and Jan gave us a report on the RAS Audited Accounts. Detailed minutes can be found on the AGM page. The main points to take away were:

  • Because of all the cost cutting measures taken last year, RAS ended the year with a small surplus. As a result, it’s likely that subscriptions will be held at their current level of £25 for a further year.

  • The 2023 Summer Exhibition was shortened but that did not result in a reduction in either footfall or sales. The exhibition accounts showed a small surplus. The quality and range of the artworks in the exhibition continued to be impressive. The Salisbury Exhibition in January also saw good sales.

  • The committee felt that the number of trophies in the Summer Exhibition was making the task of adjudication too onerous so they recommended some reorganisation. This was agreed by the members.

  • The chair and committee was re-elected, with the exception of one member, who was standing down. Jen thanked her and the rest of the committee for their hard work and all of the members who had contributed to the success of the year. She called for more members to volunteer to help with the running of the club.


AGM Talk: Duncan Walker - The Russell Cotes Museum


Summer Exhibition: Acrylics 2