Summer Exhibition 2023: Adjudication

A selection of trophy-winners, as adjudicated by Linda Patterson. Not everyone is featured here - some of our members are not comfortable with having their work on the internet.

Congratulations everyone!

Fissure 4 by Virginia Whiting (Best in Show, Most Original Work); Breath Before Dawn by Pauline Scott (Runner up Best in Show, Best Wildlife); Spruce Squirrel by Pauline Scott (Best Pastel); Beavers by Teresa Rogers (Runner Up, Best Wildlife)

Moonlight in the Woods, Teresa Rogers (Most Imaginative Work); Abstract Landscape by John Ridge (Runner up,Best Pastel); Orchid in Bloom, by Jan Martin (Best Floral); Joyful Flowers by Michael Jones (Runner up, Best Floral)

Waiting for the Right Moment by Christine Ingram (Runner up, Best Oil); Night Garden by Jane Humphrey (Runner up, Most Imaginative): May Contain Nuts by John Collins (Runner up, Best Watercolour); Springtime, Devon by Cathy Collins (Best Watercolour)

Wild Flowers on an Old Stone Wall by John Challenor (Best in Any Other Medium); Early Evening, Avon Beach by Barry Caygill (Best Oil); Summer Walk by Sally Loveys (Best Acrylic); Night Fishing By Elvie O’Hanlon (Runner up Best in Any Other Medium, Best by Preview Vote)

Palette Knife Experiment by Andy Redwood (Runner up, Best by Preview Vote); On the Line by Barry Caygill (Merit); Clockwork by Teresa Rogers (Best Miniature); Mermaid Dreams by Linda Buddy (Runner Up, Best Miniature)

Forest Sunrise by Virginia Whiting (Merit); China Girl by Linda Buddy (Merit); Sleepyhead by Jan Martin (Merit); A Winter’s Tale by Sally Rowland (Merit); Mr Toad by June Buxton (Merit); September by the Sea by Margaret Plant (Runner up Best Acrylic)


Summer Exhibition 2023: Featuring Plein Air paintings


Plein Air: Christchurch Quay