Salisbury Hospital - another successful exhibition

Ringwood Art Society’s exhibition at Salisbury Hospital was much appreciated by patients, families and visitors.

We sold seven paintings:

Walking the Dog, watercolour by Andrew Eadie

Sissinghurst, watercolour by Andrew Eadie

Fishing Boats at Beer, watercolour by Sally Rowland

Mudeford Calm, watercolour by Cathy Collins

Salisbury from Britford, watercolour by Cathy Collins

I could be Green, I could be Blue, acrylic by Elvie O’Hanlon

Black Floral, acrylic by Teresa Rogers

Congratulations everyone!

Everyone who entered - if you have pictures of your entries, we would love to have them for our gallery! Please send them to Andy.

In the meantime, enjoy the images chosen by Salisbury Hospital to publicise the exhibition:

Afternoon Glow by David Rowland, Frost on the Stour by Ann Humphrey, After Lunch by Barry Caygill, Canal Backwater by Barry Caygill


Freeing up the Artist with Brigitte Scott-Florek


Ceramics and Art Together