Plein Air: Linford Bottom

A dull day but this gave us an interesting sky with plenty of cloud cover. The stream had shrivelled to a brown trickle but there were plenty of trees and winding paths.

It was also quite busy, with dog walkers strolling and chatting, the local branch of the ramblers setting off on a long hike and a little group of preschool children enjoying a very jolly picnic.

At one point, a herd of ponies thundered through and the humans parted like the Red Sea to clear their path..

Some excellent work was done and we packed up at the end of the morning to head off for lunch. When we arrived, we discovered that two of our members had been working at quite a different Linford Bottom (the one at Moyles Court). But they had had a happy morning too, so all was well


Demo: Maxine Marsh - Still Life


Critique Evening with Danny Byrne