Plein Air: Eyeworth Pond

On a sunny day, Eyeworth Pond is a glorious place. Waterlilies; gently lapping water surrounded by woodland; ducks - views to please any artist. It’s a man made pond, created to serve a gunpowder factory in the nineteenth century and located in the New Forest to limit potential damage from explosions.

Our artists experienced a grey day, with soft clouds of drizzle drifting gently in the breeze. Much lovely work was done. Walkers rambled by; horses loomed over the shoulder to offer advice; ducks quacked their enjoyment of the extra moisture and the sun did not shine. It did not shine on our little group for hours and hours.

Were we downhearted? Well, some of us did slip away to the pub at lunchtime in search of a hot drink…


Summer Exhibition 2022


Art auction raises funds for Ukrainian refugees