Mudeford Arts Festival

Mudeford Arts Festival is an annual event and for the past few years has acted as a showcase for local arts.. We were invited to participate in the art clubs tent. The festival sees encouraging active participation in the arts as part of its mission, so they asked us to come and promote out club by putting up some pictures, demonstrating some art and encouraging the visitors to join our club.

We did this with enthusiasm. On Satruday, we demonstrated oil painting with a palette knife (and encouraged passing children to have a go with excellent results!). On Sunday, we demonstrated oil painting and watercolour. We put a few pictures up and managed to sell three of them over the weekend.

We had lots of lovely conversations with the visitors - there are so many people out there who are interested in making art! We think we might have recruited a few of them…

Situated as we were between the wood turners, the potters, the jewellery makers and, around the corner, the bobbin lace makers, we had lots to entertain us. Outside, there was live music throughout the day and when we went across in search of coffee, we witnessed a fabulous display of belly dancing by a group resplendent in glorious costumes.

We had a terrific day - thanks to all the members who volunteered to man our table.


Plein Air: The Wood at the Bottom of the Garden


Demo: Maxine Marsh - Still Life