Another sort of painting

At the end of the exhibition last year, it was generally agreed that our display boards were sad. Someone even used the word dingy.

We looked into buying new ones. We found out the price. We peered into the echoing depths of the RAS coffers and we were gloomy. Suddenly someone said, “We could paint them!” This was a new thought.

“It won’t take long,” they said, with an air of fierce determination. “That paint dries ever so quickly. We could do it when we get the boards out of the shed!”

And so it was decided.

Thus it was, on one of the hottest days of the year, the boards were extracted from the shed, spread out on the ground and painted. Aaaaaaall of them… Every single one. On both sides.

Acts of great heroism, persistence and determination were performed that day by a small band of indefatigable volunteers.

Anyone got any mountains that need moving?


And the winners are…


Plein Air: The Wood at the Bottom of the Garden