Demo: Michael Parker - Palette Knife Techniques

Michael Parker had a very active approach to demonstrating his palette knife techniques on Monday night!

He began by showing us his method of using his palette knives - some of them rather large and repurposed from his days as a plasterer. Using one of his own photographs, he drew a kingfisher ascending from a splash of water with a fish wriggling in his beak. He showed us how to load up the paint on the side of the knife (he used oils, but the same techniques could be used for acrylic). Sometimes he used a single colour, sometimes more than one on the blade. Sometimes he mixed the paint on the surface. He used canvas board as it was convenient for this demo, but he preferred the way canvas responded to his knife strokes. He advised beginners with the palette knife to work on a medium sized surface to allow for bold, decisive strokes.

After the coffee break, in best ‘Blue Peter’ fashion, he produced a canvas he had started earlier and invited the audience to help him complete it. Most of those present had a go with the palette knives. Some with great enthusiasm. It was great fun!

For his workshop, Michael explained that as he wanted all the participants to come away with a successful picture and a confident grasp of the palette knife techniques, he would provide a picture to use as a reference, assist everyone to make a simple outline on their surface and then encourage them to enjoy practising their skills.

If you would like to book a place on his workshop on Saturday, 20th May, contact Jen and Sally.


Art Auction: Donations Sought


Plein Air: Steamer Point