Acrylic Painters Gallery
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"Corfe Castle" by Christine Ingram
Durley Door, by Andy Ingram
"Butlers Hard" by Christine Ingram
"Basket of Pears", by Jan Martyn
"Monets Lilies" by Christine Ingram
"Yorkshire Dales" by Elvie O'Hanlon
"Bolt Head" by Christine Ingram
Fox and Mouse by Andy Ingram
"Lavender Fields" by Christine Ingram
"Japanese Cherry Blossom " by Andy Ingram
"Abbotsbury Walk" by Christine Ingram
"Budleigh Salterton 1" by Tony Clegg
"Sunrise" by Christine Ingram
Barn Owl by Andy Ingram
"Floral Fantasy" by Teresa Rogers
"Funky Pheasants" by Teresa Rogers
"Dorset Coast" by Andy Ingram
"ELDERBERRY" by Lindsey Cole, Acrylic mixed media
"Winter shopping in Tromso" by Elvie O'Hanlon
"Love child" by Andy Ingram
"Acrylic pouring" by Teresa Rogers
"Sunday Market Arequipa, Peru" by Barry Caygill
"The mill on the Dronne" by Linda Fisher
"Botanical Garden Christchurch (New Zealand)" by Barry Caygill
"Venice Bridge of Sighs" by Andy Ingram
"HIPS" by Lindsey Cole, Acrylic mixed media
"Poole Harbour – Brownsea Island", by Andy Ingram
Who's there?" by Jan Martyn
"Abstract Peonies!", acrylic on paper by Elvie O'Hanlon
"Seed Heads" by Teresa Rogers
"Geisha" by Linda Fisher
"Sunset Glow" by Christine Ingram
"Tablescapes", acrylic on canvas by Elvie O'Hanlon
"Fisherman's Friend", Acrylic,by Jan Martyn
Surprise! by Andy Ingram
"Nocturnal Peace2 by Andy Ingram
"Meeko an Italian Greyhound", acrylic on canvas by Elvie O'Hanlon
"Hero Leonidas " by Andy Ingram
"Blue Reflections" by Elvie O'Hanlon
"Summer Blooms", acrylic on canvas by Elvie O'Hanlon
"Summer Sea" by Virginia Whiting
"Orange Bloom" by Elvie O'Hanlon
"Details of Summer", acrylic on canvas by Elvie O'Hanlon
"Unknown Galaxy" by Andy Ingram
"Orangutan" by Andy Ingram
"Stair Hole, Lulworth Cove", by Jan Martyn
"You looking at me?" by Jan Martyn
Barn Owl Hunt by Andy Ingram
"Acrylic pouring" by Teresa Rogers
"Cornish Waves" by Teresa Rogers
"Climate Change" by Andy Ingram
"Exoplanet" by Andy Ingram
3 Blind Mice by Andy Ingram
"Rainbow Unicorn" by Teresa Rogers
"Pet Portraits", acrylic on canvas by Elvie O'Hanlon
"City Feel" by Andy Ingram
"Peanut in the Bluebells" by Teresa Rogers
"Colmers Hill" by Tony Clegg
"Meadow Land" by Elvie O'Hanlon
"New Forest" by Andy Ingram
"After the Storm" by Jan Martyn